Cyberattack, health, political & social, climate: explore the new risks companies are facing.
Increase in cyber-attacks, health risk, intensifying social and political risk, climate change: Beyond geopolitical, macroeconomic, and financial risks, how to deal with all these new and unusual risks? How can companies grow in an increasingly volatile and uncertain environment?
Thyphaine Beauperin - CEO, Federation of European Risk Management Association: "Globalisation and the digitalisation of economies have accentuated the interconnection between these different risks (health, cyber, social and political, climate), amplifying their impact on governments, businesses and organisations. At the same time, each of these risks is evolving in nature, frequency and intensity".
The cyber risk is increasing because of the large attack surface (digital), the professionalisation of attackers and geopolitical tensions.
- Marc Darmon - Senior Vice President - Thales
Christophe Perillat - CEO - Valeo: "It is through innovation and technology that we will succeed in better anticipating and controlling these risks. At Valeo, more than 10% of our sales are reinvested in R&D".